My First Winter 10x10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge
I’m excited to share my first experience with the 10x10 capsule wardrobe challenge. This was started by a blogger, The Style Bee, back in 2015 because she wanted to challenge herself to extend the possibilities of her wardrobe during a 30 day shopping fast. The challenge requires you to choose 10 items of clothing, including shoes, and you must wear only those 10 items for 10 days, and do your best to come up with 10 different outfits. You can have the help of your accessories but you are limited to only those 10 selected items. Since this is a winter challenge, I think its only fair to exclude your coat as part of your 10 pieces because that will limit your outfit possibilities too much. If you choose the right items, items that compliment each other is color and style, you’ll be amazed to find that you can make more than 10 outfits. This is a wonderful challenge to help you realize how versatile a small wardrobe can be. Believe me, I’m in no way reducing my wardrobe to 10 pieces but this is certainly a fun experiment that helped me get a little creative with pairing items I wouldn’t normally think of putting together. I must say, I don’t think I selected the best pieces but I managed to get 11 outfits out of it. I definitely learned that I am severely lacking in the tops department and have to find some better tops that will integrate into my closet and give me more options.